Storage Locker Products

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern living, the demand for versatile and efficient storage solutions has given rise to the prominence of storage lockers. Tidy Lockers’ unique design showcases their adaptability across various domains. From carpark storage to garden storage, these lockers prove to be the unsung heroes of organisation, catering to a diverse array of needs.

Car park storage
Tool locker

Tidy Lockers are delivered Australia wide. Fill out the Free Quote form or contact us.  

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Features and options

External size

Wide 2400mm
Deep 900mm
High 2050mm

Wide 1000mm to 3500mm
Deep 620mm to 1100mm
High 1000mm to 2200mm


Roller shutter

Sliding interlocking doors
Heavy duty roller shutter door
Electric door


Surfmist panels
Shale Grey shutter door

Most classic Colorbond colours are available for the door at no extra cost.

Spray painting external wall panels +$700


1 x full width melamine shelf 
1 x half width melamine shelf

Adjustable shelves
50mm galvanised mesh shelves
Heavy duty panel shelves
Customer’s choice


Colorbond insulated panel roof

Colorbond weather cap and door shield


4 x 100mm levelling feet

Caster wheels

Other options available

  • Benches
  • Ventilation
  • Power sockets
  • Tread plate aluminum floor
carpark storage

Parking spaces, often overlooked for their storage potential, can be transformed into efficient and organised areas with the introduction of carpark storage units.

  • Compact Solutions: Carpark storage units are designed to fit seamlessly into parking spaces, utilising the often-underutilised vertical space. This allows individuals to store tools, seasonal items, or personal belongings without encroaching on the parking area.

  • Security in Shared Spaces: In communal carparks, the need for secure and private storage is paramount. Carpark storage lockers provide a secure space for residents or employees to store valuables, ensuring peace of mind in shared parking environments.

  • Custom Configurations: The modular nature of carpark storage lockers allows for custom configurations, catering to different storage needs. Whether it’s sports gear, tools, or personal items, these lockers can be tailored to suit individual requirements.

Outdoor storage locker cabinet shed

From gardening tools to outdoor furniture, storage pods prove to be indispensable for outdoor storage needs, offering protection against the elements.

  • Weather-Resistant Materials: Outdoor storage units are crafted from durable, weather-resistant materials, ensuring that belongings remain shielded from rain, sun, and wind. This durability makes them ideal for storing gardening tools, cushions, and other outdoor accessories.

  • Enhanced Security: Outdoor spaces are often vulnerable to theft or unauthorized access. Outdoor storage units come equipped with robust locking mechanisms, providing enhanced security for valuable items like bicycles, BBQ equipment, or gardening machinery.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond functionality, outdoor storage units contribute to the aesthetics of the outdoor space. With various designs and finishes available, these lockers seamlessly integrate into the overall look of gardens, patios, or balconies.

Garage Storage Twins

Garages, notorious for becoming cluttered catch-alls, find renewed purpose with the introduction of storage lockers tailored for garage use.

  • Tool Organisation: Garage storage units are designed to accommodate tools of all shapes and sizes. Customizable interiors allow for efficient organisation, ensuring that each tool has a designated space, reducing clutter and facilitating easy access.

  • Protecting Valuables: Beyond tools, garages often house valuable items such as sports equipment, camping gear, or seasonal decorations. Storage lockers provide a secure space to protect these valuables from dust, pests, and potential damage.

  • Workshop Extension: For DIY enthusiasts, garage storage lockers transform the space into a functional workshop. With designated storage for tools, materials, and safety equipment, the garage becomes an organised hub for creative projects.

Tidy Lockers tailored for tools go beyond mere containment, offering precision and accessibility for hobbyists and professionals alike.

  • Drawer Configurations: Tool storage lockers feature custom drawer configurations to accommodate a range of tools, from small screws to larger power tools. This optimises storage space and ensures that each tool is easily accessible.

  • Secure and Lockable: Security is paramount when it comes to tool storage. Lockable tool storage lockers provide a safe haven for expensive tools, preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding investments.

  • Mobile Options: Some tool storage lockers come equipped with wheels, providing mobility for on-the-go projects. This flexibility ensures that tools are readily available wherever the work takes place, be it a garage, workshop, or construction site.

sports equipment storage

Tidy Lockers designed for sports equipment address the unique challenges of organising various gear, ensuring that the focus remains on the game.

  • Equipment-Specific Compartments: Different sports require different gear, and sports equipment storage lockers are designed with this in mind. Segmented compartments cater to specific equipment, from helmets and bats to balls and rackets.

  • Ventilation Features: Storing sports equipment can lead to odours and moisture buildup. Ventilation features in sports equipment storage lockers ensure air circulation, keeping gear fresh and reducing the risk of unpleasant smells.

  • Accessible and Organised: Athletes can quickly access their gear before practice or games, thanks to the organised layout of sports equipment lockers. This streamlines preparation and contributes to a focused and efficient sporting environment.

bike locker
Bike storage

Bicycles, whether for recreation or commuting, find secure and organised homes in purpose-built bike storage lockers.

  • Vertical Storage Solutions: Bike storage units utilise vertical space efficiently, accommodating multiple bikes in a compact footprint. This is particularly beneficial for those with limited outdoor or indoor space.

  • Security and Theft Prevention: Bicycles are valuable investments, and bike storage lockers provide a secure space to prevent theft. Equipped with sturdy locking mechanisms, these lockers give cyclists peace of mind when leaving their bikes unattended.

  • Protection from the Elements: Exposure to the elements can take a toll on bicycles. Bike storage lockers shield bikes from rain, sun, and snow, preserving their condition and extending their lifespan.

portable storage lockers

Portable storage units redefine the concept of accessibility, offering on-demand solutions for those in constant motion or undergoing transitions.

    • Moving Made Easy: Portable storage units simplify the moving process, allowing individuals to load and unload at their own pace. The convenience of on-site storage minimises the logistical challenges associated with traditional moving methods.

    • Temporary Storage: Ideal for short-term storage needs, portable units cater to transitions such as home renovations, temporary relocations, or downsizing. The flexibility to have the storage unit delivered and picked up at the desired location adds a layer of convenience.

    • Event and Festival Storage: Portable storage units serve as efficient solutions for event organisers, providing on-site storage for equipment, supplies, and merchandise during festivals, exhibitions, or outdoor events.

linen storage locker

Tidy Lockers find a place in the heart of homes, offering an organised haven for linen and household essentials.

  • Customisable Shelving: Linen storage lockers feature customisable shelving to accommodate various household essentials, from towels and bed linens to cleaning supplies. This ensures that each item has a designated and accessible space.

  • Ventilated Compartments: Proper ventilation is crucial for linen storage to prevent mustiness and mildew. Storage lockers with ventilated compartments maintain optimal air circulation, preserving the freshness of linens and other household items.

  • Hidden Storage Solutions: Linen storage lockers seamlessly integrate into home aesthetics, providing hidden storage solutions that declutter living spaces. These lockers contribute to the overall organisation and visual appeal of homes.

Workplace storage lockers

Workshop Storage: Empowering Creativity in Organised Spaces

Storage lockers in workshops become indispensable tools, providing organised storage for tools, materials, and creating an environment conducive to creativity.

  • Efficient Tool Organisation: Workshop storage lockers offer efficient tool organisation, ensuring that each tool has a designated space. This streamlines the creative process, allowing for quick access to necessary tools and materials.

  • Customised Workspaces: Some workshop storage cabinets are designed with customised workspaces, providing designated areas for crafting, woodworking, or other creative pursuits. This enhances the functionality of the workshop space.

  • Security for Expensive Equipment: Workshops often house expensive equipment and tools. Workshop storage lockers with secure locking mechanisms provide a safe space to protect these investments, reducing the risk of theft or damage.

Roller door cabinet

Storage lockers with roller door cabinets offer a stylish and space-saving alternative for those seeking aesthetic appeal and functionality.

  • Sleek Aesthetics: Roller door cabinets add a touch of sophistication to storage solutions. With sleek and modern designs, these cabinets enhance the visual appeal of spaces, whether used in offices, kitchens, or living areas.

  • Full Accessibility: The roller door design ensures full accessibility to the contents of the cabinet, maximising storage efficiency. This is particularly beneficial in spaces where traditional swing doors might be impractical.

  • Multipurpose Applications: Roller door cabinets find applications beyond traditional storage, serving as versatile furniture pieces for kitchens, offices, and living rooms. Their adaptability makes them a valuable addition to various settings.

large metal storage cabinet

For those prioritising durability and robustness, metal storage units stand as stalwart guardians of belongings in various settings.

  • Industrial Strength: Metal storage lockers are built to withstand heavy use, making them ideal for industrial and commercial settings. Their robust construction ensures the long-term protection of tools, equipment, or valuable items.

  • Secure Storage: The inherent strength of metal adds an extra layer of security. Metal storage lockers are resistant to tampering, providing a secure space for sensitive documents, valuable assets, or personal belongings.

  • Variety of Finishes: Despite their industrial strength, metal storage lockers come in a variety of finishes to suit different environments. From polished stainless steel for a modern look to powder-coated options for added resilience, these lockers blend functionality with aesthetics.

Garden storage shed

Garden storage units emerge as indispensable allies for green thumbs, providing tidy solutions for gardening tools, equipment, and supplies.

  • Custom Configurations for Tools: Garden storage lockers offer custom configurations to cater to various gardening tools, from shovels and rakes to pots and fertilisers. This ensures that each tool has a designated space, promoting organisation.

  • Integrated Workspaces: Some garden storage lockers feature integrated workspaces, providing a convenient area for potting, planting, or general garden maintenance. This adds a practical dimension to the locker, serving as more than just storage.

  • Weather-Resistant Design: Garden storage lockers are crafted from weather-resistant materials, protecting gardening tools and supplies from the elements. This durability ensures that items remain in optimal condition for seasons to come.

Modular storage pods transcend traditional applications, finding a place in kitchens, laundries, and bathrooms, offering customisable and adaptable solutions.

  • Custom Configurations for Kitchens: Storage pods in kitchens provide custom configurations for utensils, cookware, and pantry items. The modular nature allows individuals to design storage solutions that cater specifically to their culinary needs.

  • Laundry Organisation: In laundries, storage pods bring order to cleaning supplies, detergents, and linens. The modular design enables efficient use of limited space, transforming laundries into organised and functional areas.

  • Bathroom Storage Solutions: Bathrooms benefit from storage pods that offer custom configurations for toiletries, towels, and personal care items. The adaptability of these pods ensures that they seamlessly integrate into bathroom aesthetics.